1. Hamilton, B.R., Lima, G., Barrett, J. et al. Integrating Transwomen and Female Athletes with Differences of Sex Development (DSD) into Elite Competition: The FIMS 2021 Consensus Statement. Sports Med 51, 1417–1418 (2021).
2. Leach, V. Skiadas, C.E. Lord, N. Purohit. Pelvic fractures: experience of pelvic ring fractures at a major trauma centre. Clin Radiol 2019 August;74(8):649.e19–649.e26
3. Sadek AR, Dare C, McGillion S, Nader-Sepahi A, Skiadas V. Lumbar intravertebral disc herniation secondary to idiopathic calcific discitis. Br J Neurosurg. 2017 Oct 26:1-5.
4. Purohit N, M Sampson, V Skiadas. Imaging features of spinal trauma: what the radiologist needs to know. Clin Radiol. 2015 May;70(5):544-554.
5. Ganguly A, Aniq H, Skiadas V. Lumps and bumps around the foot and ankle: an assessment of frequency with ultrasound and MRI. Skeletal Radiol. 2013 Aug;42(8):1051-60.
6. Perdikakis E, Skiadas V. MRI characteristics of cysts and "cystlike" lesions in and around the knee: what the radiologist needs to know. Insights Imaging. 2013 Jun;4(3):257-72.
7. Skiadas V, Tyllianakis M, Zolota V, Karantanas A.
Intramedullary osteosclerosis. Am J Orthop (Belle Mead NJ). 2012 Nov;41(11):496-9.
8. Skiadas V, Perdikakis E, Plotas A, Lahanis S. MR imaging of anterior knee pain: a pictorial essay. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2012 Apr 10.
9. Primetis E, Dalakidis A, Papacharalampous X, Skiadas V, Vlahos L, Gouliamos A. Extensive tumoral calcinosis in a patient with systemic sclerosis. Am J Orthop (Belle Mead NJ).
2010 Oct;39(10):E108-10.
10. Skiadas V, Koutoulidis V, Koureas A, Moulopoulos L, Gouliamos A. Plain X-ray, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging findings of telangiectatic osteosarcoma: a case report. Cases J. 2009 Sep 16;2: 7833.
11. Skiadas V, Koutoulidis V, Plotas A. An atypical case of noninfected iliopsoas bursitis - MRI findings. J Radiol Case Rep. 2009;3(10):15-8.
12. Dimakakos E, Koureas A, Koutoulidis V, Skiadas V, Katsenis K, Arkadopoulos N, Gouliamos A, Vlachos L. Interstitial magnetic resonance lymphography: the clinical effectiveness of a new method. Lymphology. 2008 Sep;41(3):116-25.
13. Psathakis K, Mermigkis Ch, Vlachaki E, Pavlopoulos G, Skagias L, Skiadas V, Kokkonouzis I, Tsintiris K. Tuberculous
conjunctivitis in a doctor. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2008
14. Dimakakos E, Koureas A, Koutoulidis V, Skiadas V, Katsenis K, Arkadopoulos N, Gouliamos A, Vlachos L. Interstitial magnetic resonance lymphography: is it a new method for the diagnosis of lymphedema? Int Angiol. 2007 Dec;26(4):367-71.
15. Dimakakos E, Koureas A, Skiadas V, Kostapanagiotou G,
Katsenis K, Arkadopoulos N, Giannopoulos A, Gouliamos A,
Vlahos L. Interstitial magnetic resonance lymphography with
gadobutrol in rabbits and an initial experience in humans.
Lymphology. 2006 Dec;39(4):164-70.
16. Chatziioannou A, Mourikis D, Katsimilis J, Skiadas V,
Koutoulidis V, Katsenis K, Vlahos L. Acute iliac artery rupture:
endovascular treatment. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. 2007 Mar-Apr;30(2):281-5.
17. Mourikis D, Chatziioannou A, Doriforou O, Skiadas V,
Koutoulidis V, Katsenis K, Vlahos L. Endovascular treatment of a vertebral artery pseudoaneurysm in a drug user. Cardiovasc
Intervent Radiol. 2006 Jul-Aug;29(4):662-4.
18. Skiadas V, Antoniou A, Primetis H, Moulopoulos L, Vlahos L
Intratesticular arteriovenous malformation. Clinical course,
ultrasound and MRI findings of an extremely rare lesion on a 7-
year follow-up basis. Int Urol Nephrol. 2006;38(1):119-22.
19. V Skiadas, C Ladopoulos, E Primetis, A Kalovidouris, V
Koutoulidis, L Vlahos. Ultrasound findings of an intratesticular
varicocele. Report of a new case and review of the literature. Int
Urol Nephrol. 2006;38(1): 115-118.
20. Primary antiphospholipid syndrome: a unique presentation with multiple visceral aneurysms. Koutoulidis V, Chatziioannou A, Kostopoulos C, Kontogiannis S, Skiadas V, Mourikis D, Vlahos L. Ann Rheum Dis. 2005 Dec;64(12):1793-4.
21. Skiadas VT, Koutoulidis V, Primetis H, Ladopoulos Ch,
Moulopoulos LA, Gouliamos A, Vlahos L. Image findings of a
tailgut cyst. Case report and short review of the literature. Eur J
Gynaecol Oncol. 2005;26(3):345-8.
22. Skiadas VT, Koutoulidis V, Eleytheriades M, Gouliamos A,
Moulopoulos LA, Deligeoroglou E, Vlachos L, Kreatsas G.
Ovarian masses in young adolescents: imaging findings with surgical confirmation. Eur J Gynaecol Oncol. 2004;25(2):201-6.
Mariathas M, Khan B, Skiadas V et al. Imaging findings in a Cohort of Dancers Presenting with Knee Pain. 29th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology (ESSR), June 2022
Injuries to the craniocervical junction: A single centre experience. C Lord, R Behar, M Thomas, M Sampson, V Skiadas. ISS 2018
Accessory muscles of the ankle: A pictorial review. C Lord, M Thomas, V Skiadas. ISS 2018
Manifestations of Arthritides in the Hands and Feet: Revisiting the Radiograph. H. D. Peiris, C. Lord, V. T. Skiadas, M. Sampson. ESSR 2017
Traumatic pelvic fractures: How to identify and classify an important sequelae of trauma. S. Leach, V. T. Skiadas, C. Lord, N. Purohit. ESSR 2017
MRI for suspected hip fracture: how many sequences are enough? C. Lord, S. Leach, V. T. Skiadas. ESSR 2017
Sonographic appearances of benign soft tissue lumps and bumps. Hints and tips for differential diagnosis. I. Katsimilis, C. Lord, R. Kulanthaivelu, V. T. Skiadas. ECR 2016
Inserted foreign bodies. A survival guide. I. Katsimilis, V. T. Skiadas. ECR 2016
Anterior shoulder instability: Evaluation using MR arthrography. C. Lord, I. Katsimilis, N. Purohit, V. T. Skiadas. ECR 2016
The “whys and wheres” of metal work around the shoulder N. Purohit, I. Katsimilis, R. Ray, N. J. Menon, V. T. Skiadas, M.Sampson. ESSR 2015
Sonographic appearance of lumps and bumps around the elbow. Hints and tips for differential diagnosis. I. Katsimilis, N. Purohit, M. Thomas, V. T. Skiadas. ESSR 2015
Post-traumatic scaphoid pain. What if it is not only the scaphoid! I. Katsimilis, N. Purohit, L. King, M. Sampson, V. T. Skiadas. ESSR 2015
Occult hip fractures. If not a neck of femur fracture, then what? K.Chandrasekaran, N. Patel, V. T. Skiadas. ESSR 2015
MRI appearances of Aseptic Lymphocytic Vasculitis-Associated Lesions in metal-on-metal hip replacements. D. Papoutsi, N. Purohit, J. M. Latham, V. T. Skiadas. ESSR 2014.
An analysis of 189 spinal trauma patients at a Level 1 Trauma Centre. N. Purohit, V. T. Skiadas, S. Vicknesvaran. ESSR 2014.
A pictorial review of lumps and bumps around the elbow joint. OA Adenunle, V Parmar, H-U R. Aniq, V Skiadas. MRI and beyond, meeting organized by the Wessex branch of the British Institute of Radiology, 2013.
B. Chari, V.T. Skiadas, H-U R. Aniq. Imaging of hand and wrist masses. A University Hospital experience. ESSR 2012.
S Biswas, V Skiadas, A Jain, H-U. R. Aniq. Pictorial review of pattern of spinal injuries in Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis and Ankylosing Spondylitis. ECR 2012.
V Skiadas, A Plotas, S Lahanis. Anterior knee pain. A pictorial essay. ESSR 2011.
V Skiadas, K. Kalampoukas, P Patouras, A Plotas, S Lahanis. Displaced meniscal fragments. Where to look for? ECR 2011.
VT Skiadas, P Patouras, V Stoyanova, D Tsokanas. Solitary calvarial eosinophilic granuloma. Image findings of two pathologically proved cases. ESSR 2010.
VT Skiadas, A Koukakis, G Pothitakis, A Plotas. Meniscal tears. Correlation of schematic representations, MRI findings and arthroscopic images and videos. ESSR 2010
VT Skiadas, P Vitoratos, P Patouras, D Tsokanas. Fractures and dislocations of the ankle and foot in motorcycle bikers involved in traffic accidents. A pictorial review. ESSR 2010.
V Skiadas, D Papoutsi, A Plotas, Greece. Cystic and cystic-like lesions in and around the knee. Etiology, clinical presentation and MRI appearance. ESSR 2010.
V. T. Skiadas, D. Papoutsi, P. Argyriou, P. Patouras, K. Kalampoukas, A. Plotas, D. Tsocanas. Incidental findings in CT and MRI examination of the lumbar spine: A pictorial review. European Congress of Radiology (ECR) 2010.
P. Vitoratos, V. T. Skiadas, P. Argyriou, K. Kalampoukas, P. Patouras, D. Tsocanas. Pictorial review and statistical analysis of brain injuries and skull fractures in unhelmeted bikers after motorcycle accidents. European Congress of Radiology (ECR) 2010.
V. T. Skiadas, G. P. Pothitakis, A. Koukakis, A. Plotas. Correlation of MRI findings with corresponding arthroscopic video findings in soft tissue injuries of the knee and articular cartilage lesions. European Congress of Radiology (ECR) 2010.
D. Papoutsi, V. T. Skiadas, A. Plotas. A pictorial review and statistical analysis of coronary arteries' anatomical anomalies in Greek population. European Congress of Radiology (ECR) 2010.
V Skiadas, P Argyriou, E Perdikakis, P Patouras, D Kehagias, S Lahanis, D Tsokanas. MRI findings of partial or complete acute anterior cruciate ligament tears and concomitant injuries in 187 military recruits. ESSR, 16th annual congress of the European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology.
E. Dimakakos, A. Koureas, V. Koutoulidis, V. Skiadas, K. Katsenis, A. Gouliamos, L. Vlachos. Interstitial magnetic resonance lymphography: The clinical effectiveness of a new method. XXI International Congress of Lymphology
E. Dimakakos, A. Koureas, V. Koutoulidis, V. Skiadas, K. Katsenis, A. Gouliamos, L. Vlachos. Interstitial magnetic resonance lymphography: is it a new method for the diagnosis of lymphedema? 22nd World Congress of the International Union of Angiology.
Perdikakis E, Argyriou P, Skarlos P, Karapostolakis G, Skiadas V, Siouras K, Archontakis A, Tsokanas D. Detecting prostate cancer using perfusion CT. Initial findings. 11th Congress of Balkan Military Medical Committee 2006.
Nassis N, Tsirebolou M, Kyriakoulis D, Skiadas V, Argyriou P, Tsokanas D. Perfusion CT in acute cerebral infarction. 11th Congress of Balkan Military Medical Committee 2007.
Dimakakos E., Koureas A., Koutoulidis V., Skiadas V., Gouliamos A., Vlachos L. Interstitial magnetic resonance lymphography with gadobutrol in humans: first results. XXXII Congress of g.e.l.
A Chatziioannou, I Katsimilis, V Skiadas, A. Kappos, D Mourikis, L Vlahos. Acute iliac artery rupture: endovascular treatment. CIRSE 2005
A Chatziioannou, V Skiadas, I. Katsimilis, L Mpilirakis, D Mourikis, L Vlahos. Post-traumatic high-flow priapism: diagnostic approach and management by superselective microcoil embolization. CIRSE 2005
Dimakakos PE, Koureas PA, Skiadas TV, Kostopanajiotou G, Gouliamos DA, Vlachos JL. Interstitial magnetic resonance lymphography with gadobutrol in rabbits and comparison of findings with direct lymphography. First international symposium on lymphatic microcirculation and neoplastic metastasis 2005.
25. Metafa, M. Fragou, A. Antoniou, A. Kappos, A. Koureas, I. Psihogios, A. Pafiti, V. Skiadas, L. Vlahos. Contrast enhanced color Doppler ultrasound in patients with breast abnormalities. European Congress of Radiology (ECR) 2004.
V. Skiadas, A. Andoniou, K. Sikiotis, C. Ladopoulos, V. Koutoulidis, M. Frangou, A. Pafiti, L. Vlahos. Contrast enhanced color Doppler transvaginal ultrasound in patients with endometrial hyperplasia or carcinoma. European Congress of Radiology (ECR) 2004.
Skiadas V., Prasouli A., Mitseas P., Kottas S., Lahanis S. Imaging findings of an ethmoidal dural arteriovenous fistula with venous drainage in the vein of Galen. European Congress of Radiology (ECR) 2004.